About me
As I don't like to talk about me, just some few words: Born many years ago, I grew up and later became almost deaf. Having studied mathematics, but also drawn to arts. As a singer I performed mostly concert Lieder by Richard Strauss, accompanied by an opera conductor, until dwindling hearing put an end. Then I was a fresco painter, as show gigantic frescoes in the entrance tower of a great museum. Now there are paintings, distinctive in style and in variety of themes.

This art page is not a store at first. Cause many pictures are not framed. And some more is to be done. In a few months however the pictures may be bought directly as originals from the german artist. But also as a good art print or also as canvas print and then in limits selectable in the format.
Art house Perret
The video leads to our house and to the time when I still painted frescoes.

Special thanks to my wife Christina, who always motivated me and gave me the space for art.