Stroll now in the pictures' forest, far from the roaring stream of time. But do'nt forget it to return, when an owl's call heralds the beginning night.

Paintings by artist Ulrich Perret from Wiesbaden, Germany
The sale with price information will start soon. But you are welcome to reserve a painting already.
If you of the pictures and poems, one or the other pleases you, let me know. Because that is the beautiful of the medium, to hear it from afar from an unknown mouth. And if you are a woman, then it is, it is as if you bestow your grace.
All paintings in this online gallery are hand-painted uniques on thin natural wood panels. It is a very special style: With dissolved oxide concentrates, acrylics and penetrable pigments undiluted, but applied some times and in different ways. Slowly drying they penetrate each other as directed puddles only on the picture. Surfaces should not cover it as layers, but rather slowly seeping shall arise. Often my best friend, chance, does help.
For an expression becomes unusual only if in the core not quite foreseen. In between there's a lot of meditating, what might become of the picture, and finally really brush painting, but only slightly invasive. Sometimes I painted both sides, When you turn it over, it becomes a different picture. So you can vary the aura of the rooms.
Picture and Ambiance
The art pictures are mostly figural, their surface, the structure innovative modern, so that they often also could convince as an abstract picture. That's why the paintings harmoniously fit into an ambiance of tradition and modernity, in an apartment, meeting room, canteen, waiting room, entrance or office.
most pictures are in elegant portrait format, some are also wide in landscape format. Mostly the colors penetrate each other but unlike to a mixture are still to recognize as single colors. Regarding canvas prints I mention, that thanks to their structure it is less conspicuous that they are not original.
To each picture there is a 'Story', in a diction somewhat lyrical. Sometimes a real story. Then just a simple verse, often bumpy, and for that I beg your pardon. Sometimes the expression is poetical, sometimes the motif is bizarrely dumbed. But the images are strong enough to bear it with a smile.
Image Text
Under the story there's usually a text, in which the painter writes his thoughts about the picture in case he thought anything at all. It's mostly explanatory to the picture, on technique, expression, interpretation. But primarily it serves for search words, that the text must contain, and that one cannot press into the story-poetry without destroying it.
Painting and Apartment
Beautiful paintings carry beauty in your rooms. Living room paintings make their mark on style. A large mural should fit in the format. Or choose a picture wall of small paintings! High and narrow could give a touch of elegance. More to discover is then on the wall. Wait when buying paintings till you really find what pleases. This applies also to my paintings.
Whether romantic painting, mythical or funny, acrylic or oil painting, it's your choice. Create life instead only streamline elegance. Art paintings in the office, however, should blend in discreetly. As modern pictures they may also be stylish as art print or canvas print, representative but only as an original and unique.
The empty subject
Online and contemporary, that’s what I’m anyway. So I try when painting not to be so too much and to choose the subject figurally. But so I'm vulnerable, because the figure, it might fail.
From the suspicion of hobby painting one escapes as an artist best and comfortably, by renouncing at all a picture motif. The roaring stag on the other hand, can at least fail and one recognizes, whether it's well painted.
The emperor's new clothes
An expert will beware to praise a lawn mower that does not work at all, With art it is quite different. With well-known painters, the whole thing anyway is nothing but a label trade. The object doesn't matter.
Much is determined by committees, and modern art museums, of which, as pointless as it is, new ones are built all the time. They live from the administrative, but today undeserved equality of arts,